myxomatous degeneration造句

"myxomatous degeneration"是什么意思   


  1. Microscopic examination of the plantar fascia often shows myxomatous degeneration, connective tissue calcium deposits, and disorganized collagen fibers.
  2. A major valvular heart disease is mitral valve prolapse, which is a weakening of connective tissue called myxomatous degeneration of the valve.
  3. Myxomatous degeneration of the mitral valve is more common in women as well as with advancing age, which causes a stretching of the leaflets of the valve and the chordae tendineae.
  4. Mitral valve prolapse is in turn is caused by myxomatous degeneration, and is the most common cause of primary mitral regurgitation in the United States, causing about 50 % of cases.
  5. An excess of dermatan sulfate in the mitral valve is characteristic of myxomatous degeneration of the leaflets leading to redundancy of valve tissue and ultimately, mitral valve prolapse ( into the left atrium ) and insufficiency.
  6. It's difficult to find myxomatous degeneration in a sentence. 用myxomatous degeneration造句挺难的


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  6. "myxomatous mitral valve"造句
  7. "myxomycete"造句
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  10. "myxomycota"造句

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